Jeeves (1975) & By Jeeves (1996)
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Jeeves & By Jeeves are not the same musical and are considered separate works.
Jeeves & By Jeeves are not the same musical and are considered separate works.

World Premiere: 22 March 1975Venue: Bristol Hippodrome
London Premiere: 22 April 1975
Venue: Her Majesty's Theatre
Play Number: 18
Published: No
Other Media: Original cast recording
Availability (Jeeves only)
Amateur / Professional: Jeeves is not available for production.

By Jeeves
World Premiere: 1 May 1996Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough
London Premiere: 2 July 1996
Venue: Duke Of York's Theatre
New York Premiere: 28 October 2001
Venue: Helen Hayes Theatre
Play Number: 18
Published: No
Other Media: Television; Radio; Original cast recording
Short Synopsis: Two musicals written with the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber based on the Jeeves novels by P.G. Wodehouse. The original 1975 musical Jeeves was completely revised as By Jeeves in 1996.
Availability (By Jeeves only)
Amateur: Apply to Andrew Lloyd Webber Show Licensing
Professional: Apply to Andrew Lloyd Webber Show Licensing
Jeeves / By Jeeves
All research and original material in the Jeeves / By Jeeves section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email:

The Jeeves section is dedicated to Brett Bayne for his long-standing support of this website from its conception - & his love of the musical Jeeves!